May 2024 Newsletter:

Mother’s Day Reflections

Thoughts & Gratitude For Mother Figures In Our Lives

As Mother’s Day draws near, it is the perfect opportunity to celebrate the incredible contributions of mothers. We often hear the saying, “There’s no love like a mother’s love,” but what about the wisdom and guidance they impart? Our CFP® Planning Team would like to share their thoughts and express their gratitude by sharing the impactful advice they’ve received from their own mother figures.

Headshot of Kevin Flint, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ at Hess Financial

Kevin Flint


In the stage of life I find myself in, trying to achieve balance sometimes feels like chasing a mirage across a desert. But I’ve been fortunate to always have my mom in my ear, providing that gentle reminder that the “to-do” list will never be done. So, waiting to have it all completed before taking that next trip with family or spending a day relaxing on the water will be an endless wait with potentially not so pleasant sideeffects. She’s always reminding me that balance isn’t a destination you reach when your list is done; rather, it’s something you have to incorporate along the journey to be the best husband, father, teacher, and financial planner I can be.

Headshot of Sara Kate Garman, Certified Public Accountant at Hess Financial

Sara Kate Garman


Growing up, as my mom would drop me off for school, she’d always give me daily “words of wisdom,” or an inspirational quote to remind me to be the best version of myself. So, in honor of Mother’s Day, I’d like to provide one of the quotes she frequently told me from the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Everyone, no matter what stage of life you are in or the path you’ve traveled, has the ability to make a difference and impact those around you. Whether that change is valuesbased, such as kindness, or mission based, depending on your passion, I challenge you to let those words inspire you, the way they have led me, to make a difference in the world around you.

Headshot of Stephan Hess, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ at Hess Financial

Stephan Hess


Nature is undeniable in development, but the nurture of a mother is the most precious gift. It seems silly, but I love that she taught me the names of plants and flowers. Every Halloween costume was handmade and the envy of every other child. I witnessed my mother’s unending creativeness with art and how she easily made friends everywhere she went. Her interactions with the world always displayed patience, caring, and understanding. Role models do not need to have superpowers or have accomplished significant life achievements, but to me, our daily walks to the bus stop, and the fact that she was always there are just as worthy.

Headshot of Derek Hess, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ at Hess Financial

Derek Hess


Growing up is challenging for many reasons, but one thing that I saw many people struggle with was not being able to embrace themselves for who they were. My mom was, and still is, instrumental in teaching me to be comfortable with who I am and to be true to myself because that’s exactly how she lives. She’s not your typical retiree, since you will find her going to major music festivals across the county most summers, but all that matters to her is that it makes her happy. I think it’s healthy to remind myself every so often that I’m happy with who I am. We all have our quirks and things that make us different.

Headshot of Robyn Hill, JD and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ at Hess Financial

Robyn Hill


It sounds cliché, but the best advice my mother gave me was to follow the golden rule: Treat others the way I want to be treated. There isa lot rolled up in that: respect, tolerance, patience (not one I am always good at), empathy, lending an ear or a hand when needed, and of course, kindness. She taught me many other things: take time to enjoy life, meet my obligations and follow up on my commitments, count my blessings and remember to be thankful. But even those can be rolled up in that one simple statement.