June 2024 Newsletter:

Community Involvement

Hess Financial Making An Impact In Our Community

At Hess Financial, our dedication to community involvement is a core part of our values. We take great pride in our commitment to giving back and making a positive impact. With that being said, we would like to take a moment to highlight some of the remarkable contributions made by the Planning Team in our local communities.

Headshot of Robyn Hill, JD and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ at Hess Financial

Robyn Hill


My family has always believed that public service is just part of being a member of a community. We couldn’t always contribute much financially, but we could and did lend a helping hand and a voice of advocacy. As an adult, I serve on a few boards, but two I am especially proud of are Ten Thousand Villages, which helps artisans earn a living through fair trade, and Open Doors, which provides food, shelter and other assistance without judgment for people experiencing homelessness. I have never been truly hungry, but there have been periods when it would not have taken much to tip that scale. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with organizations that give people hope, treat them with dignity and help them create a path out of difficult circumstances.

Headshot of Derek Hess, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ at Hess Financial

Derek Hess


My recent volunteer journey began when I felt an internal need to get involved with and donate my time to important causes in our area. I became a Big Brother volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters because I always cherished the mentorship and environment that I grew up with. I wanted to provide a youth with someone they could look up to and be available for. Soon after, I was asked to join the organization’s board of directors and contribute to the organization from a governance/management standpoint.

This initial jump into the non-profit world evolved into me joining boards/committees of other great organizations like Massanutten Regional Library, Harrisonburg Rockingham Chamber of Commerce, and the ShenValley Young Professionals Association.

Headshot of Kevin Flint, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ at Hess Financial

Kevin Flint


To me, contributing to the community transcends simple financial support or occasional attendance at events. It’s about embodying the principle of “paying it forward.” This place we call home has nurtured and supported me, so I feel compelled to reciprocate by spearheading initiatives that enrich our community, ensuring it remains a nurturing environment for future generations to grow, develop and prosper. Engaging in communal efforts for the greater good also enables me to forge connections with my neighbors, including those whose perspectives differ from my own. These interactions enrich my own learning journey and broaden my understanding of our diverse community that we call home.

Headshot of Stephan Hess, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ at Hess Financial

Stephan Hess


The “First Fridays” art show in downtown Harrisonburg is a fun program sponsored by the Arts Council of the Valley. Our office has been hosting exhibitions for many years and we have enjoyed supporting the artists as well as having amazing new art on our walls every month or two. It is a great opportunity to highlight the artistic talents of our neighbors and friends. Some artists might be well known, but most are just hobbyists who doit for fun. It’s always a thrill to see the reactions of the artists when people appreciate their work and creativeness.

Headshot of Sara Kate Garman, Certified Public Accountant at Hess Financial

Sara Kate Garman


I have found the most personal fulfillment by making an impact on the lives of others and the community around me. While finding a career where I can support and positively influence others with the knowledge I have gained, and will continue to gain, has always been important to me, my desire to make an impact transcends my day-to-day work life. The idea of “paying it forward” and leaving the world a better place is a personal mission that drives me beyond just my professional endeavors.

Everyone is blessed with unique skills and values. For me, using my talents and gifts for the greater good inspires me to give back to the community where I was raised, support the people who have helped me along the way, and contribute to the causes that are close to my heart.