January 2025 Newsletter:
Wisdom & Wealth
In this month’s newsletter, we reflect on our gratitude for your continued trust and support as we welcome 2025. Read on to see what Stephan Hess has to say as we enter into our 14th year!
Past, Present, and Future
First of all, Thank You! Thank you for supporting us. You have no idea how much we enjoy working with each of you. The relationships we’ve developed together motivate and inspire us in so many ways. Secondly, welcome to 2025! With every new year that rolls around, it is impossible to know what the next 365 days will bring, but regardless, we will be ready. We will be ready as professionals with our broad financial experience and expertise, and we will also be ready as a firm to deliver the services you need.
At the beginning of each new year, we like to take a moment to share some deeper thoughts about a topic we think is important. This year we’re using this space to discuss something we don’t talk much about publicly, but we think about all the time – Firm Continuity and Firm culture. As we enter our 14th year, we remain even more determined to stay fully independent and planning focused. This is important because it’s our opinion that such firms offer the most personalized and thorough wealth management services. There is a business trend now of big corporations buying out small to medium sized businesses. We have seen this in small local banks for many years, but now we’re even seeing it in locally owned dental, medical, and yes, financial practices. I’m sure there are many reasons why firms sellout, but we don’t see any advantages. It always seems like things change when bigger corporations get involved and we are not interested in that. Our firm was intentionally founded with the vision of getting away from the corporate interests. All of us here want to be important partners for you well into the future, and the last thing we want to do is succumb to any industry pressure to conform or change in ways that don’t serve your interests.
So, how do we do this? On the one side we must be large enough to control our own future. Bigger isn’t always better but a certain amount of scale gets you the best tools, the best industry partners, and it attracts the best talent. Clearly, we want these advantages. But on the other side we want to remain small enough to be extremely attentive, personal, dynamic, and flexible. These are characteristics not typically observed in larger organizations who tend to view “More” as always better. Unlike us, they don’t see the value in limiting relationships and concentrating expertise. We feel we are currently in this sweet spot and we’re intent on keeping it that way, but it takes effort to continually navigate this. 2025 is going to be about further solidifying our strengths and continuing to strategically invest for the future. We don’t want you to ever have to worry about us not being there for you. Please stay tuned for some updates and announcements throughout the year.
Let’s Decode The Headlines
Check out Hess Financial’s Recent Blogs
Our goal is to decode the stories you see on the news into simple and straightforward concepts that are easy to digest. Let us know what you think!
Stephan Hess, CFP®, talks about stuff — and the hard truth about it.
What’s in an Estate Plan? A Will, Power of Attorney & More.
Robyn Hill, CFP®, breaks down what an estate plan includes and why a well-thought-out plan is important for anyone.
Navigating Financial Planning in your 40s & 50s.
Stephan Hess, CFP®, discusses common budget challenges people face in their midlife.