Financial Questions To Ask Before Making A Real Estate Purchase

By: Robyn Hill, CFP®

Purchasing real estate can be incredibly stressful. There is a lot to think about, whether you are buying your first home, moving to a new location, or purchasing a vacation home or investment property.

A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional can help you navigate all these questions and decide what fits your personal and financial goals best.

What’s Your Goal For The Real Estate?

First, ask yourself: Why am I making this move or purchase?

Developing a clear, detailed answer to that question will help you answer a host of other questions to identify real estate or property that meets your needs.

  • Are there geographic limits?
  • What specific features do you need?
  • What features do you want but can be flexible about?
  • What resources do you need (or want) to be close to?
  • How much time and energy are you willing and able to put into maintaining the property?
  • For an investment property—are you looking for current income,  long-term gain or both?
  • How should the property be owned?

How Much Do You Want To Spend?

There is a lot more to consider than just the final purchase price. Answer all these expense-related questions before narrowing down your ideal property:

  • Are you paying cash, or will you finance the purchase?
  • If you are financing, what type of loan should you use? And what loan term makes the most sense?
    • What will your monthly payment be?
    • How long do you expect to own the property?
    • Are there anticipated lifestyle changes that might affect how comfortable you are with the monthly payment?
    • Do you want a payment plan that creates certainty? Do you want one that helps you stay disciplined or gives you greater flexibility?
  • How much money do you need upfront? And where will it come from?
    • How much will you need for a downpayment?
    • Does it make sense to pay “points” on your loan?
    • What other immediate or short-term costs will you have? (Consider things like fees, moving and professional expenses and immediate repairs or renovations.)
  • What ongoing costs will you have associated with the property?
    • What are the real estate taxes?
    • How much will it cost to insure the property?
    • How much maintenance is the property likely to need?
    • Are there HOA dues or other fees associated with ownership?
  • If this is a move, will it impact other expenses (e.g., commuting, cost of living, etc.)?

What Other Professional Help Do I Need To Seek When Buying Real Estate?

There are several professionals you’ll need in your corner throughout your real estate purchase journey. Here are a few to consider:

1. A Real Estate Agent

Real estate agents don’t just help you find a property. They also provide information about zoning restrictions, proposed development projects, anticipated regulatory changes and things unique to the property and neighborhood.

2. A Lender

It is a good idea to talk with at least a couple of different lenders to ensure that you fully understand your options and are getting reasonable terms.

3. An Accountant

An accountant provides a solid understanding of potential taxes, credits, and deductions available. Working with an accountant is especially important when purchasing an investment property.

4. A Home Inspector & A Title Agent

Surprises can be extremely costly. Unless you have a lot of financial cushion and a high-risk tolerance, insist on the inspection before committing to the purchase.


At Hess, we work with people on all sorts of real estate purchases and at many different stages of life. We know the questions to ask and can help you develop a clearly defined set of criteria to decide how much you want to (and can comfortably afford to) spend based on your other financial and personal goals.

If you don’t have connections to the professionals you’ll need throughout your journey, Hess is happy to help recommend and connect you with some in the area.

Schedule A Free Consultation With A Hess CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional In Harrisonburg.

When you hire Hess, we work for you. Schedule a free consultation to learn more about the questions to ask before purchasing real estate in Harrisonburg and beyond. Let us show you the way forward together.

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